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Let us attempt to dissect remote work , looking at its advantages, disadvantages and most sort after roles. If you have visited this site before then you are well aware of my most recent encounter with a fraudulent company all because I want to work remotely, earn in dollars , buy Bugatti and go on trips LoL. But seriously...I love working remotely as I am my most productive self while working in my comfort zone.


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The rise of remote work

Due to the recent happenings in Nigeria concerning the LEARNANIA JOB SCAM a lot of questions have been raised as to why people now opt for remote work and not the conventional "office work". First of all, it's 2023, the world has advanced and is still advancing , Artificial Intelligence is now beginning to take the positions of people at organizations so humans working remotely should not be something people frown upon. Thanks to the internet and the world being a global village, anyone can work from anywhere, all you have to do is be efficient at your work and deliver on your tasks.

The world has been working remotely over the years but with the lockdown in 2020, remote work spread like wildfire. Seeing as most people could not commute to work and were confined to their homes, companies and organizations shifted their options to remote work, that is for those who did not fire their staff in a bid to save cost.

What are the Hottest Remote jobs of the Year 2023?

  1. Software Developer & Engineer

  2. Translator / Transcriber

  3. Virtual Assistant

  4. UX/UI

  5. Writer (Scriptwriter/Content Writer /Copywriter)

  6. Editor

  7. Customer Service Rep

  8. Career Coaching

  9. Social Media Manager

  10. Online Marketer

  11. Online Personal Shopper (this one shock me)

  12. ESL Teacher (ESL stands for ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE)

  13. Data Entry Specialist

The list keeps increasing but for now we will stop here. So what makes these jobs well sort after and why do people suddenly want to work remotely? It's safe to say the pros may outweigh the cons, let's find out.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Remote Work?

There are many things I love about working remotely but here's a few:

  1. Happiness , Freedom & Self Satisfaction : I once interned for a brand as a content writer / copywriter and when asked to wire a copy for a social media flyer I wrote " a happy worker is a remote worker". This in it self is the gospel, because if we are being honest, we all love the freedom that comes with working in your comfort zone without pestering coworkers and annoying bosses (they're still annoying, only that it is more intense when it's in person) An added advantage is being able to personalize your workspace to your taste without receiving a call from HR about company policy on tampering with infrastructure.

  2. Less Commute Stress : No long train or bus rides, perceiving foul body odors, having to deal with grumpy people, engaging in conversations you would rather not have , and dealing with overall awkwardness. Plus you get to save money on transportation.

  3. Increased productivity and performance: For someone like me who loves remote work, I must say it is most productive to work from home. I get to accomplish more from my home and I am more motivated to deliver.

  4. Time Saving: To be honest work is done faster from home than in the office, and this should be priority for any organization. Having work done quickly leads to overall effective service delivery of the organization and would increase their rating in the eyes of their audience/community/ customer base.

Some of the cons are:

  1. Risk of feeling disconnected from the workplace: As mush as we love our comfort zones, staying away from an office setting for a long period can make one feel disconnected or lose touch. In-person human interaction is needed.

  2. The risk of isolation and depression is higher: This is because we lack the needs human interactions, one may begin to feel isolated, left out and it could lead to depressive episodes.

  3. Increase in the cost of home run: Now that you work from home you would want to make it more comfortable and relaxed and this would lead to spending more than you ordinarily would. If you are like me, you'll definitely eat more (not like eating is bad or anything, I mean food is good for life so please eat -with your health in mind as well)

There might be more cons but I am partial towards it (as I really love working remotely, I tend to see the advantages more) so im less likely to objectively state the cons. I believe you get the gist.

I hope this article has been helpful and I wish you the best in your remote work journey. If you do work remotely , share what your experience has been in the comment section.

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