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Sometime in 2017, I registered for a wig making class and boy was it interesting. I love doing things with my hands but after a while I realized this wasn't going to be an easy feat and I began to appreciate the work of wig makers. From a distance one would think the profession so random and nothing of notable status, but after some months of practice and work i understood the expertise, technicality, creativity and attention to detail involved in creating beautiful wigs.

This is why the daring feat of Helen Williams Sobulo is applaudable. She embarked on this herculean task on the 7th of July 2023 and with determination she earned her title and as such deserves her flowers.

**See interview below **

What's your name?

I am Helen Williams Sobulo, a native of Lagos State. I am an educator and wig maker.

What do you do?

I own a wig academy, people come from different states to enroll because our fees are affordable and sometimes we teach people for free. It is my little way of giving back.

What did you do and what inspired you?

My dad used to buy a lot of books and Guinness World Record Book was often among those books. I always read it and I was fascinated by it. That is where the inspiration to attempt and complete the Longest Handmade Wig In the World came from.

What was your experience?

During the attempt, I sometimes felt like I was about to pass out ( I went seven days with little or no sleep) and I was feeling very weak. My family members suggested that I stop because they did not want something bad to happen to me. I however did not want to let them down. Good things do not come easy, I am not a quitter.

What do you want others to take from it?

What I want people to take from this is that you are in sole control of attaining whatever goals you set in life. To set a goal is easy. The drive to finish is what is important.

Nigerian Guineas world record holder for longest handmade wig
Mrs Helen Williams Sobulo

Guiness world record holder longest handmade wig

From us at Emerald's Diary we say a hearty congratulations 🎊🎉🎈🍾

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