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"I was busy minding my business when I received a video call on my business line. This line is displayed on my business pages across social media platforms. Recently I have been receiving these incessant video calls from numbers starting with +971 ,+233, etc and they have been nothing but excruciatingly triggering and annoying.

I was at work and had just been talking to my client about how I had been receiving these calls which were beginning to get me worked up. We had just spoken about it when five minutes later I received a video call from a number starting with +971. I answered but moved the phone away from my face. The image of an elderly man appeared, he held the phone at arms length and waved at the camera saying "hi, hello, hi". I shook my head and hung up.

Now after work I got home and decided to shower as I had a long day. I was in the shower when another video call came in. Out of frustration I picked with the intention to scream at the caller to stop calling me but I was not prepared for what I saw. In like manner, I answered and moved the phone far away from my face, putting it on a shelf where I could see the screen but whoever was on the other side could not see me. Once I answered, I saw what looked like a penis, a huge one, it was in a flash and then everything went dark. In a few seconds a low red light was turned on and I saw a humongous gigantic penis being stroked passionately on my screen. This fellow laid flat with legs spread apart and his fully erected ridiculously gigantic penis starred at me. I froze, horrified by what I had just seen and then I screamed at the top of my lungs. I am sure my neighbors were startled and worried by the sound from my apartment. It was horrific!

Woman laments video call harassment from Facebook men

I have never been so scarred in my life. For 2 days straight it tormented me. Every time I closed my eyes to sleep the image flashed in my mind and I would open my eyes while shaking my head and saying "NO". How these people got my number, I don't know. I have since removed my number from Facebook and will also take down my pictures and data from my personal page. Unfortunately I have to keep running my business account and I have to showcase my work. Having a contact info on Facebook helps customers to reach me faster but with this new turn of events it has become impossible to put my number up there."

A year ago, a study carried out showed that Facebook had the highest percentage of cases of abuse and harassment on any social media platform. 57% of women reporting experiences of abuse and harassment were on Facebook.

Further research shows that mobile number of unsuspecting women are being collected and sold to these pervers who then call and harrass women sexually.

Woman harassed on social media Facebook

Not only is this a form of harassment but it is also a scheme to blackmail and scam these women. Lonely women who fall for these "love" or "sexual" engagements and proceed to have virtual sexual sessions with these people are then recorded while in the act and threatened to pay or else their accounts would be hacked and their pictures exposed.

It is therefore important to not answer these calls or even engage these criminals at all. While the use of social media is good, one has to be very careful about the information and personal data that is shared across these platforms.

Subsequently, we will drop tips on how to avoid getting these calls.

Have you been experienced this? What was it like? Leave a comment below

You can also contact us to share your experience, you might just be saving someone from being a victim.

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