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Updated: Aug 15, 2023

From FaceMash in 2003 to TheFacebook in 2004 and finally just Facebook in 2005, the app has come a long way in terms of growth as a company, social media channel and form of content and entertainment. The app which started as a cool group for elite Ivy League students has now become a worldwide home to many, connecting strangers and turning them into friends, connecting families across the globe and putting businesses on the global scale. From a friendly social app to a marketing tool, Facebook seems to have done it all.

Now that you know about Facebook, let's talk about the impact of Facebook in Nigeria. this juncture I'll advice you sit back relax and prepare to laugh because Wetin facebook don use my eye see no be here.

In high school (for local people like you -secondary school), Facebook was super interesting.

It allowed me reach friends outside of class, send messages to my crushes who I had absolutely no chance of scoring points with and meet strangers that turned to long time friends. In fact, I met a man on Facebook who years later wanted to marry me (but that didn't work out).

As other social messaging apps like Twitter and Instagram came into the picture Facebook seemed to be relegated to the sidelines, but for its Nigerian audience it became a haven for old people to peddle and meddle. At some point, having your parents, uncles or aunties (or any older relative) on Facebook became a problem and still is. They are succeptible to all manner of scams (ridiculously glaring scams they gullibly fall victim to you would wonder if they really had all A's in school like they claim).

Facebook in Nigeria is a sespool of lies, false rumors, fake news and love scams (if you are desperate). In recent years it has given rise to perverts of all kinds. In my opinion, the highest level of harassment from any social media channel is gotten from Facebook. Let me explain...

Just yesterday I received a video call from a foreign number and when I answered, i was met with a scarring image of a mature testicule being stroked. Imagine the horror! I was so angry I almost cried. I roared at the screen yelling "STOP CALLING ME", and the culprit hung up immediately. Before now, I've been getting incessant calls from foreign number from Zimbabwe, India, etc. These two countries have harassed and frustrated me in the past one month. I've also gotten calls from Nigeria as well. Men from Facebook call me from my business page to profess love and propose relationships. This has continued even after I put out a disclaimer stating that the number on the page is only for business. The Indian men that call and text me either send unsolicited pictures of their private parts, videos of them masturbating , or call me directly on video to masturbate. I have seen shege, literally.

I am beyond fed up. I have since removed my number from Facebook but the past weeks has left me with many questions, one of which is "Why are men like this?" It seems majority of the men who call or text women on social media are sexual predators. How did our society get so depraved? Is there something in the air that makes most men have an insatiable appetite for sex and sexual content? How can young people and children be protected from these disgusting men.

Imagine an unsuspecting child holding their phone, receiving a random call, answering the call , seeing a full grown man masturbating. Even I who is a mature female cannot bear the sight as I am seriously traumatized by it.

One question that won't leave my mind is "why always India?" Are they possessed? Lmaoooo

At this point I have to laugh because what in the satanic demonic devilish disgusting predatory nonsense is this? Something needs to be done to ban these people from using the internet. They're making the global village quite unsafe. In my research I found articles that date back to 2017 on the menace that Indian men have now become on Facebook. In subsequent articles, I'll be sharing the details.

Why is Facebook unsafe for women? Have you ever been harassed on Facebook? What was your experience? You can leave a comment or contact us to share your story anonymously.

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