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FEAST TO FITNESS - A guide to post-Holiday eating reset

You know I will always start with a personal story about my inner conflicts and trials, stylishly pulling you in so as not to let you wallow in guilt alone, right? Well, let's get into it.

For the longest time, I vehemently argued with vein-popping affirmation and rage that I am in no way a foodie. This is because I can be superstitious and did not want to knowingly announce to spirits so they wouldn't try to feed me in my dreams (yes, your eyes are not deceiving you; you read that right). Now, as much as I would want to blame hormones and my job for causing me to eat like a wild buffalo, I have to take some responsibility for my eating habits and admit that just maybe, in the innermost part of my subconscious, I like food... and I'm not ashamed of it because food is essential, but eating like a person experiencing drug withdrawal symptoms (no shade intended) is not the way to go.

I know for a fact that this holiday has caused many to gain weight, and while some need it because they were almost disappearing (thinning out), others need to step on the brakes because they might explode. Trust me, you have eaten enough; you don't need to be out of breath before you drop that spoon, my brother/sister. If you eat to the point you begin to feel tightness in your stomach, then believe me, your tank is full and your body isn't pleased with you.

How do we go from feasting to fitness?

If you are in Nigeria, then I believe you are well aware of the excess feeding we all indulge in during the Christmas holiday. It's the same rice we eat every day, but there is something about the "Christmas rice" that makes it hard to resist.

Well, the question now is, after all that rice, what's next? How do you lose the weight gained?

Last week, I started my fitness journey. I began by taking walks and jogging. This week, I have registered in a gym, and I am optimistic about it.

Here are some tips to go from feasting to fitness:

SAY NO TO SLEEPY FOODS: Avoid those foods that make you tired and sleepy just after you're done eating them. I firmly believe they contribute to making you gain weight. Maybe not all of them, but most of them are fatty and can hamper your ability to maintain a good body weight and stay healthy.

CUT DOWN SWEETS & CARBOHYDRATES: Yes! Cut down drastically on how you consume sweets and carbohydrates. Do not buy carbonated drinks; you won't die. Believe me, there's a plethora of foods you can eat aside from rice and yam. I know you are thinking "That's easy to say," but it's a hard truth we aren't ready for. Even I am struggling to come to terms with it. As I type this, I've had 2 slices of pizza, and I'm going home to eat rice... lol. But that's just me trying not to die from hunger and cravings.

WORK THAT BODY: So after eating pizza and all, I proceeded to the gym because deep down I know I'm not supposed to indulge in every craving. I am being honest with you because I know that someone out there is walking in my shoes as well. One way to get yourself set for the gym is to own up to your struggles. Being honest about your eating habits, faults, and challenges helps put you in check and allows you to properly evaluate yourself, leading to a much-needed fitness journey.

SOCIAL SWEET SESSIONS: Combine fitness with socializing by joining group classes or workouts. This is easier when you have the right people around you. Having friends or a supportive community can make the journey more enjoyable and help you stay motivated. Personally, documenting my journey and sharing it with friends and family is one way to get myself pumped.

DIY FITNESS CHALLENGES: Yup, do it yourself! You can! Set up creative challenges at home, like creating your obstacle course or incorporating household items into your workout routine. This makes it less "serious" and adds some playfulness to your exercise regimen. It takes the weight off of proving yourself, and you just enjoy doing what you do.

LAUGH IT OFF: People tell me I'm so funny and I make them laugh every time; I guess that's why I haven't grown fatter... lol. Laughter is a great calorie burner. I feel like anger makes you swell up... literally. Whatever you do, try to keep a stable, happy, and cheerful atmosphere around you. Incorporate laughter yoga or simply watch a hilarious show while on a stationary bike. The positive impact on your mood can make your weight loss journey more enjoyable. Indeed, laughter is medicine and a very potent one.

What do you think? Are you making a fitness resolution for the new year?

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