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FunFood-Banana Oatmeal Reciepe and benefits

Early in the year I saw a video online that a girl had made about her breakfast meal plan and how long it took for her to get hungry again. I thought to myself “she most definitely isn't a foodie like me”.

Fast forward to August I decided to try out the recipe. I am a cereal girl and I love that creamy milky taste in my cereal so you can imagine the amount of milk that went into it (daring for someone who is lactose intolerant, but who cares).

Now it was unplanned but I made the most of what I could find in the moment (it came as hormonal craving that needed to be satisfied instantly).


  1. Oatmeal (Quaker Oats)

  2. Milk /Creamer

  3. Banana

  4. Nuts (Groundnuts / Cashew Nuts)

  5. Sugar


  1. 2 satchels of Quaker Oats

  2. 3 -5 full spoons of milk

  3. 4 fingers of Bananas

  4. 3 cups of nuts (I used cashew nuts)

  5. 2 spoons of sugar

Most people put the mixture in a bowl and store in a fridge overnight and some heat it up, I decided to try both methods. I kept mine in a parfait cup for about 6 hours and then took it with me to work. I had it during the day and it was actually very filling, although I excluded the banana in my parfait cup mixture. On my second attempt I decided to cook the oats for 2 minutes before pouring it into a soup bowl (small round deep ceramic plate) and then I added the ingredients as listed above. It was a blast!

The banana in it tasted weird, not because it was bad but because I haven't gotten used to the taste of banana in my cereal.

It took me almost 10 hours plus before I started to feel perkish and hungry. I must warn you though that constatnltly having this meal over time can cause one to add a bit of weight in the face ( or maybe it's just me, cos my face got chubbier but my body got slimmer).

It also takes time to digest and boy did it make me sleepy 😂😂😂😂. The parfait mixture was lighter than the cooked version of it. So I recommend the parfait version of it for a day at work and the cooked version for a day at home.

In conclusion, it was a good try and I'll most definitely do it again.

Recipe for Oats banana nuts meal with milk and sugar
Cooked mixture

Would you try this oat and banana combination?

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Unknown member
Sep 03, 2023

It’s how someone can just add weight only in the face that is doing it for me😂.

Unknown member
Sep 03, 2023
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😂😂😂 please help me ask my cheeks

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