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The average nigerian is highly opinionated on everything but with very little information on anything.

So take for instance the recent divorce case of a foreign footballer making the rounds on social media. There was a loud applaud all over the internet especially from Nigerians who; firstly don't ever get past the headlines of any article or news post and when they do, they strongly struggle to comprehend due to socio-cultural and religious bias, which in my opinion is a rabbit hole well dugged, furnished and secured with sophisticated ignorance.

Most people do not have the slightest clue about a thing and usually jump on the bandwagon of the first impression, thought or idea of something without taking the time to research, study and dig deep. Could it be that the rising decadence in behavior, man's interaction with himself and his environment is due to man's own laziness and inability to search for truth? Blatant laziness in my opinion.

Some years back our dear president called the entirety of Nigerian youth "lazy" and in the Nigerian fashion there was an uproar and protest within and outside the country by many who believed they are hardworking, deligent and responsible people making up that demographic. Somehow we have proven him right by being lazy in fishing out information in other to build the right opinion on things.

Now, Nigerians are very intelligent people and so it is a bizarre juxtaposition of contrasting traits. Intelligence and are these two able to coexist in harmony on some of us?

Let's whip up some dust by digging up the Hakimi & Hiba divorce saga.

While majority of Nigerians online (most especially the the men) applauded him for what I consider insensitive and inconsiderate, they never took time to dig into the details of the story. Few examples would be; Hakimi and Hiba are said to have had issues in what she called a "failed project" (their marriage) for a while due to his irresponsible lifestyle.

Hakimi is said to have what we call a "baby boy mindset" towards family life and if you've ever been with a man who's mentally immature you will understand the pain Hiba must have endured, amongst others were the rumors of him allegedly cheating or frolicking, no woman wants to come home to such news.

It's easy for people to point out Hiba's age, but no one is asking Hakimi why he went for a woman 12 years older than him. Younger men going for older women is a menace in our present day but we keep mute about it and even applaud them, sadly when the reverse is the case the same men who'd applaud will suddenly lose hold of their balls or develop erectile dysfunction. Hypocrisy at its peak!

What manner of man marries a woman and when he decides to divorce her leaves her with nothing.

A woman that went through a near death experience on 2 occasions to bring life. I think it's cruel to leave her with nothing, and no this is not a matter of entitlement... Hiba is not new to money. Here are some facts about her:

1. Hiba Abouk is a successful 31 year old actress who is no new comer to fame and money.

2. She is a fashion icon that had been recognized for her contributions to the industry.

3. She is a humanitarian and has various charity projects.

4. A mother of 2 boys

5. She is one of the most famous Spanish-Tunisian superstar actresses in the world

And let's not even get into the rape allegations. People expect Hiba to defend Hakimi. A man who has been reported to frolick and rumored to cheat in the past, whose lifestyle caused a separation , how was she supposed to defend him? How would he ever be accused of Rape (having unconsensual sexual relations) if he never facilitated the situation in the first place. Here's what I mean, if he didn't end up in a room with a lady having whatever relations they were having she wouldn't be able to accuse him of anything.

There's also a ridiculous attempt to taint Hiba abouk which is hilarious to say the least. A video of her kissing a man who she presented an award with went viral as proof of "infidelity". The said video was recorded years ago before Hakimi and Hiba met, but trust misinformed highly opinionated Nigerians to gullibly engorge.

But hey, after all I've said here, this is just my opinion although backed up by facts.

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