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Happy International Day of Friendship

The International Day of Friendship came into being in 2011 by the UN General Assembly with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities. It is meant to foster unity between people, communities and countries.

So who is a friend and how are friendships made and kept?

Who is a friend? Someone you call in time of need, who is always there for you, a person who has your back no matter what, one who stands by you encouraging and cheering you on, one who goes through your low and high moments with you?

In life we meet people casually and sometimes intentionally. Fate brings us together with people we make lasting connections with and in some cases we are joined by our family (you become friends with a person because your families share ties). True friends are rare and hard to find. Why? This is because people are naturally self centered and would generally do what's in their best interest. Humanity is in survival mode and not everyone is looking to put others first. It takes a true friend to place another above their personal needs.

I remember how I met some of my friends. I met one at a church house gathering. We were in the children section and just kept staring at eachother. She was quiet but seemed nice and I guess I starred at her because I was trying to understand/read her (I was a very observant child).

Again I saw her at school (first year of junior secondary school) quietly walking behind me and a group of friends, I figured she wanted to join us and so I beckoned on her to come. She did and that's how we became friends. Turned out she was just a quiet, simple and kind kid. Today that friendship still stands. We may not speak everyday but I got her back anytime.

Another notable friendship made in my early years was in my first of of senior secondary school (most lasting friendships seem to be made in secondary school). I was being bullied (I know.. me bullied? Lol, yes! I was bullied and then I became the bully) but one the girls stood out. She wasn't necessarily directly bullying me but she was part of the group of friends. I guess she had a change of heart and decided apologize on behalf of the crew. I literally latched on to her and we bonded. Today it is an enviable friendship I must say ( no cap).

Even as we make friends and want to have truly good friends, we must in ourselves be people worthy of being friends with. This is because you can't request from people that which you're not willing to give or do not have at all. You mirror your circle so it's important you choose the write circle. A good friendship group can highly increase or decrease your success rate. Friends impact our lives and are of greater influences than family members, it is therefore highly important that we carefully and wisely discern when choosing friends.

Good friends are unforgettable and great friends are irreplaceable. Be both!

Dear friend,

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Unknown member
Aug 02, 2023

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Unknown member
Aug 02, 2023
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We do not need such services please , thank you but please do not post this again please , thank you.


Unknown member
Jul 30, 2023

My greatest friends are also friends I made when u was really young. Secondary school to be exact. I however still appreciate all those I met in the later years. I believe in good friendship or rather, God has blessed me with good friends. Cheers to true friends!

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