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SAFETY IN ABUJA: Recognizing Discomfort and Suspicious Situations

Fellow residents and lovers of the capital city, how are you all taking measures to ensure your safety ?

Personally I've found it hard to settle down in cars when I'm in on the road as my thoughts keep flying around the place. As a business owner and service provider, I'm always on the move due to the nature of my job and so I always look out for tips to note when using public transportation or e-cabs. Oya get a pen and get ready to " jot things down "

The first step in ensuring your safety during a bus ride is recognizing discomfort or suspicious situations. Here are some signs that should raise a red flag:

1. Inappropriate Behavior: If someone's behavior makes you uncomfortable, trust your instincts. This could include unwanted attention, harassment, or aggressive behavior. Never overlook such things, it is best to get down from the vehicle or not even board at all if you notice it at the point of entry.

2. Unusual Routes or Stops: If the bus / cab takes an unexpected detour or stops in an unusual location without a valid reason, it's a cause for concern. If it's a cab then always share your ride with family and friends and record the trip too this feature is available on Uber

3. Locked or Inoperative Exits: Make a mental note of the bus exits when you board. If you notice they are locked or malfunctioning, it's a sign that something is amiss. If it's a cab, just don't enter it and if it's "along" (local carpooling taxis) then completely avoid such because you could easily be trapped in it most especially when the door only opens a certain way that only the driver knows -instant red flag! 🚩

4. Forced suspensions conversations: While in a public vehicle, most people keep to themselves all through the ride (as per-mind your business). Sometimes some people initiate conversations as a means of distraction in order to carry out their intents. In some cases these conversations have to do with large sums of money (in foreign currencies) that are "suddenly" found with no owner and promised to passengers including you. What you do not know is that these "passengers " are all working together to either kidnap you or steal from you. Be wise!

5. One chance : The dreaded one chance has taken lives and brought pain to many. Cars carrying passengers will stop along the road to pick up unsuspecting victims. The claim is there's just "one seat" left to fill up the car. Once you enter, half way through the journey, you're with robbed, raped or killed. Please be weary of this.

Safety Measures to Ensure Your Well-being

Now that you can identify potential issues, let's explore safety measures to help you stay safe:

1. Be Observant: Be alert and observant before you enter the vehicle or bus. Look at faces, read body language and take note of items like bags and other packages. Watch for sudden movements or strange sitting positions. Take note of plate numbers also and look for distinct features in case you need to describe anything to the police (in case something bad happens)

2. Stay Connected: Keep your phone charged and have important contacts saved. If you feel unsafe, discreetly text a friend or family member your location and situation. Record conversations once you notice anything strange and send them as voice notes to your friends and family while sharing your location.

3. Notify the Driver: If you encounter any discomfort or suspect something is wrong, don't hesitate to inform the driver. They can take appropriate action. In some cases the driver might be working with other "passengers" (people pretending to be passengers ) so observe the drivers response

4. Travel During Daylight: Whenever possible, choose bus rides during daylight hours. Visibility is better, and incidents are less likely to occur. It is also easier to draw attention to the vehicle during the daytime if you notice something wrong.

5. Travel with Companions: Traveling with a friend or in a group can significantly enhance your safety. There's strength in numbers especially at night.

6. Know Emergency Exits: If you are in a bus, familiarize yourself with the location of emergency exits and how to use them. In cabs and "along", take notes of doors that don't close well or are opened a certain way as this knowledge can be invaluable in a crisis.

Remember, your safety should always be a top priority during your daily ride. By staying vigilant, recognizing discomfort, and following these safety measures, you can ensure a secure and pleasant journey for yourself and your fellow passengers.

I wish us all safe travels!

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