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ABUJA SECURITY ISSUES: Kidnapping on the rise

"Abuja is hot now o" is a statement that doesn't define the weather in the country's capital but instead its dramatically defiling state of security. Abuja used to be one of the safest places in the country in my opinion. I grew up in the north and back in the day it used to be so safe , secure , calm and peaceful. Everyone was kind, gentle with eachother, and looked out for one another.

You could drop your wallet on the floor and come back a day later to find it at that exact spot. We lived uphill Asokoro and sometimes we would leave our gates and doors unlocked and nothing would go missing. Everyone was their neighbors keeper. This is no longer the case. Pride puffed migrators from other parts of the country have flooded the place, crime has increased and people are no longer trusting of one another.

Recently, 2 incidences occurred that got me thinking about the state of the capital. A young lady was kidnapped and another person almost entered the car of a suspected "kidnapper"

Recognizing Discomfort and Ensuring Your Safety: A Passenger's Guide"


Bus transportation and "along" are not always convenient but are cost-effective ways to travel within the city. Whether it's your daily commute or a long-distance adventure, these modes of transportation are a necessity. However, like any public space, it's essential to prioritize safety, especially when you start to feel uncomfortable or suspect something might be amiss. In this blog post and subsequently, we'll explore the importance of staying safety-conscious during bus rides and offer valuable safety measures to help you feel secure throughout your journey.

Why Prioritizing Safety Matters

Before diving into safety measures, let's understand why prioritizing safety during rides is crucial. Public transportation brings together people from diverse backgrounds and while the majority of passengers are simply looking to reach their destinations, there might be instances where uncomfortable or unsafe situations arise. Here's why being safety-conscious is essential:

1. Preventing Potential Harm: Staying vigilant can help you avoid potentially harmful situations. Recognizing discomfort early allows you to take action swiftly. BE ALERT!

2. Protecting Vulnerable Passengers: Children, elderly individuals, and those with special needs may be on board. Your vigilance can contribute to their safety too. Also be open minded to the possibility that such group of passengers can be used as distractions buy depraved people.

3. Maintaining a Safe Environment: By being safety-conscious, you help maintain a safe and comfortable environment for all passengers.

In the next post we'll discuss how to recognize a dangerous ride fast and what to do in such situations.

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