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Breakfast Is Served

And then the day finally came, the day we had all been waiting for. The day of love, happiness, and for some a day of tears, gnashing of teeth, cursing, vawulence , and a 6 course meal made up of breakfast only (I can assure you it's nothing like the picture above).

You know when you think you've got it under control? You feel this relationship has got to be it and nothing can go wrong. You and your partner are so in love and you're basking in their endless show of affection. You are so sure they're "THE ONE" only to find out that they blocked you on WhatsApp to post pictures of their real love... yup! The above meme is me looking at you, wondering when you will have sense.

"there's always a sign"

"Didn't you see the red flags"

In the words of Ruger...

🎵 you saw the red flags baby , but you ignored the red flags 🎵

Like you'd see a big red flag waving in the air saying "don't date this person ". Well most people miss it and on Valentine's Day is when you hear "I saw the signs or I had been suspecting ". It's also when a lot of wigs go up in the air as the female specie of humans throw themselves against each other violently with the aim of inflicting as much injuries as possible in order to deter one from being with their male counterpart who clearly has zero respect for either of them and has served them equally a generous amount of hot breakfast.

But it wasn't all blood red hot streams of tears, we also witnessed happy moments too. Proposals, beautiful date moments, time spent with family, gifts were exchanged etc. To those who had it all sweet and mushy , I highly congratulate you. To those who got their hearts broken, damaged and bruised, I wish you better luck next time. Don't stop believing in love and in its power to heal. To those of us who got no gifts or fancy messages, we go again next year.

Always remember, your first love is yourself.

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