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Chronicles of the average Nigerian Pt.2

If you've lived in this country long enough, you'll know it's a never ending unfolding comic script and you're a character waiting to play your role even as you watch others play theirs. It is one well put together comedy show. You could be minding your business and boom something utterly random starts to unfold and it is just outrightly hilarious. This was my experience yesterday

Around the hours of 2 and 3pm, i sat in a rickety salon car making its way to airport junction from jabi park. Roasting in the sizzling hot sun as waves of hot air brushed all over me, I was met with the most shocking sight as the car slowed down to drop off a passenger. A masquerade, fully dressed in its regalia with charm-like items tied on different parts of its body walking bare foot on the sidewalks of the horribly hot tarred road with about 5 men dressed in traditional attire beating drums and singing behind it as it walked. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

It was shocking, and as I watched it became amusing and I couldn't help but laugh. What manner of country is this? What exactly made anyone dress like a masquerade and walk bare foot under the scorching sun for no reason. You might want to argue that they might have had their reasons but the truth is they were alone, no other masquerade, no ther group, nothing.... just a masquerade and his 5 groomsmen sweating profusely as they walked behind him urging him on as he walked like a man on a mission

They looked tired, hungry and worn out. It seemed they had been walking for long time. I laughed

, but within me for fear of being attacked by the masquerade or turned into an egg.

This country is truly full of funny characters. I have a theory that someone somewhere is supposed to be the village masquerade and probably turned down the position, so the masquerade whose tenure is ending decided to come all the way to Abuja to forcefully handover... I could be wrong but I'll stick to that for now.

What are your thoughts? let me know in the comment section.

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