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HAPPY NEW YEAR - Resolutions Again?

...and again, we find ourselves at the beginning of another year: spirits high, palpable enthusiasm, and excitement. People are in love with their significant others, families are gathered together, prophetic words are announced from countless pulpits scattered across the nation, and, of course, the one thing we love to do the most – resolutions.

I know you're wondering why I have returned to the topic of resolutions. It's because I am guilty of the shameful act of abandoning resolutions.

I get tired (let me be honest with you, I get tired quickly), but one thing is for sure – I never back down (which, in itself, is exhausting). I am determined and will continue to pursue my dreams. I may put them on hold for a while to recharge (because only the living can achieve anything, and I cannot afford to exhaust myself), but rest assured, I will be back, and hopefully, better... or just back.

See how I am being vulnerable with you and myself? Great! You can do that too. You can be vulnerable and admit that you tried and failed, worked hard and didn't hit the target, showed up every time and still lost out more than you gained. It's okay; you're not alone. The good thing is, you showed up! You worked hard and developed yourself; you tried and failed, gaining insight into the things that weren't working. You now know what not to do, which, for many, is a significant struggle. Many people are confused about the next step to take, but not you. You have the advantage of experience, time, tests, failures, and proof of what works.

You've got this, and so do I.

Happy New Year.

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