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Generally we all struggle to keep up with things at some point in our lives, (unless you're the most motivated person in the world and you've never suffered procrastination) you most definitely would have had those "I'll do it later" days. Days where you wake up and have not the slightest willingness to do the needful. You don't want to do any work, assignments, tasks set by your bosses, errands for your parents, spouses or children, or even meet up with self set goals.

Interestingly studies have shown that 20% of adults procrastinate chronically and that includes you reading this post (and me too, cos I was supposed to put this up over a week ago). The biggest question is what causes procrastination? For me it would be a feeling of being emotionally overwhelmed, at that point I begin to distract myself with less important things and lose interest in the important ones. I also subconsciously believe I have mastery over time for some weird reason.

I decided to ask a group of teenagers / young adults what the biggest cause of procrastination is for them; most said distractions, lack of time (lol I wondered what a teenager spent their time doing) and some admitted there were just lazy. Probing further I realized that most people would generally get more things done under some sort of supervision or in a controlled environment.

Let's take Nigeria as a case study today. I believe we have the highest rate of procrastinators in the world. I know it seems I'm exaggerating but take one look at our attitude towards deadlines and you'll see it's almost as if we originated the word. We always do things after the deadline or a day to it. Take for example PVC collection and most recently, the CBN order to return old notes. Everyone waited until the last minute, hence the queues and panic everywhere.

At this point, I'm just going to blame my procrastination attitude on my nationality, it makes sense to me.

Now, to your new year resolutions... yeah, you thought I've forgotten about you lazy bum 😂😂

You promised to do things differently this year and you had a whole list, today is the 29th of January 2023 and you're yet to start any. The icing on the cake is that you can't find the notebook you wrote your resolutions in (and if you wrote it on a miserably piece of paper, then you're even worse)

But enough of the bashing, how can we help eachother? What can we do to make sure we follow through with resolutions, carrying out tasks, and meeting up with schedules and deadlines? Have you identified the causes of your "I'll do it later" syndrome?

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