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New Year, New Me? Pt.1 To do or not to do?

RESOLUTION: According to the Oxford dictionary, resolution is a firm decision to do or not do something. Every New Year's Eve, a firm decision is made to "refrain from doing something over the course of the coming year." according to the Oxford dictionary. It's become a ritual , time after time after time , we come up with a set of do's and don'ts for the new year. We decide to cut off friends and family, close certain doors to relationships, quit our jobs, learn new things, move abroad or to a new city, start a new career, change lifestyle and habits, etc.

Now, don't get me wrong , some of these things are beneficial, but how many of us actually go through with it? You, yes you, you know yourself... you haven't even finished your New Year's resolution for the year 2013, and we are in 2023. It's been 10 years and you still don't know how to ride a bike. Loooooool.... forgive me , I'm not mocking you, I too belong to the category of people who never learnt how to ride a bike thanks to New Year's resolutions.

Statements like "this year, I'm giving zero stress, I won't be giving unreciprocated energy, I'm cutting off drama, I'm going to learn how to drive " etc flood the timeline of millions on Twitter, Facebook, and the likes.

My wonder has always been what stops people from achieving New Year resolutions? Why the pumped up energy and hype only to not follow through the very next day?


that's it! That's the enemy! Telling yourself you can do things at a later time only leads you to not doing them at all. The illusion that we have got enough time when in fact we are not certain of the next minute. For example I've been putting off dropping a new year's post for since the year began, and I couldn't even get myself to write a short Christmas blog or post the blog I made of the fun times I had, why? Because I procrastinate heavily. It's like a drug.

The remedy? Just do it! There's no better time than now. Reflect on life... time is an illusion, people don't live forever, opportunities have to go a full circle before coming back to you, you may not feel the same way about it next time so why not just do it now? I understand the need to want to rest and "live a little" before getting "serious" with your life, but life itself is serious. Do that thing you set out to do this year, break your own record.

For me, I might never learn how to ride a bike, but I'm goong to take driving lessons this year and I'm going to write a post about it. I want to encourage you, just do it. I'll be your accountability partner if you want...I've got nothing better to do lol.

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